And what it means for your nonprofit Target audience:Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, brands, social media managers, individuals With all of the amazing features that Facebook Pages have, the one thing that they’ve always lacked is the ability to create that personal connection that Facebook users like. This all changed last week when […]
How to create a successful multi-author blog
One of the biggest questions that nonprofits have when starting a blog is, “How can one person possibly continue to publish interesting articles?”
9 steps to getting started with Google Plus
Decide how to take advantage of the newest social network Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations businesses, brands, bloggers, educators, individuals. Google’s new social networking platform, Google Plus, is still going strong since it was released at the end of June. Farra Trompeter at Big Duck created an awesome Slideshare presentation that outlined the steps to get your nonprofit started with Google […]
How to collect email subscribers on your Facebook Page
Caution: There’s more to it than adding a sign-up form Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, marketing professionals, businesses, brands. From what I’ve seen, most nonprofits have no idea that you can add to your list — that precious database of your supporters, donors or newsletter subscribers — by strategically using a customized Facebook […]
How to get more Facebook fans with Sponsored Story ads
One way to acquire Facebook fans for your nonprofit is to use Facebook ads to promote your Page. But not traditional Facebook ads – Sponsored “Like Story” ads. Facebook Sponsored “Like Story” ads are different from traditional Facebook ads in four ways: Like Story ads can be targeted to friends of current fans. This will […]