SourceRise connects journalists and bloggers to sources at international NGOs and nonprofits in an effort to diversify the voices represented in the news and to increase the number of well researched, compelling development and foreign news stories in traditional media.
Social impact
DIY and locally made: Makers sparking economic change
The Maker Movement, started in the past decade, encourages people to create, build, design, tinker, modify, hack, invent, or basically to make something. Combined with larger economic trends, this has resulted in new entrepreneurs, businesses, and products.
Engaging volunteers through social media
Leverage the power of volunteers through social media. Find out how to engage your core plus how to measure success.
How to establish thought leadership for your nonprofit
Especially for smaller to medium-sized nonprofits, thought leadership is one of the most effective and least expensive ways an organization can build awareness of their cause, support for their ideas and programs, and influence the communities they need to reach, including decision makers, policy makers and donors.
6 ways to optimize calls to action in your blog posts
The only one purpose for your website is to encourage people to act. Check out these six simple ways to improve the calls to actions that exist with in your blog posts.