Tips to make Facebook work harder for your website Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, businesses, educators, journalists, general public. How you reach people is not limited to your Facebook Page. You reach people with your e-mails, your YouTube videos, mentions in the local newspaper. And you reach people with your website content. […]
5 tips to start your nonprofit thought leadership plan
Thought leadership can be one of the most effective communications strategies for nonprofits Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, social strategists. Every so often, change makers and nonprofit leaders are unsure about how to activate the most powerful resource they have — their intellectual capital. Organizations can be treasure troves of big […]
Using POST to create a social media strategy
The POST method is an easy-to-remember framework for creating your strategy. Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, marketers, managers, general public. There seem to be countless tools available for social media marketers. Tools for managing social media, measuring it, and even for creating content that looks amazing! Yes, technology can seem like […]
How nonprofits can extend their reach & build community
Sharing with your audience on multiple levels is key Post by Teddy Hunt Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, marketers, managers, general public. Nonprofit organizations have to reach their audiences effectively in order to find supporters and donors for the cause at hand. Social media offers nonprofits the very platform they need to […]
Time-saving tips to write more blog posts (with video)
Make the most out of your time and blog more often Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, marketers, managers, journalists, general public. One thing I’ve learned from years of blogging is that a blogging process saves time and headaches. My approach uses creative momentum at the beginning to blow through tasks that require […]