How Twylah can help you get more juice out of your tweets Twylah is a way to organize your tweets on a single webpage that’s SEO-friendly and search engine optimized, essentially giving your tweets greater exposure and a significantly longer life. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported.
How to create a big Twitter header image
Twitter now allows header images to help boost your profile (kind of like Facebook covers). Check out this header template and re-work your Twitter profile to better convey your organization’s mission.
How to prune and improve your Twitter following
As your number of followers increase, you occasionally have to embark on a serious cleaning session to ensure that quantity isn’t totally overpowering quality. Keep your Twitter account healthy by keeping it pruned. Here is a run down of a few tools that can help make the process a bit easier.
How to create a Twitter background
With about 150 million active Twitter users making their impact 140 characters at a time, you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd. Before people will read your tweets (for your nonprofit, organization or yourself), they’ll form a first impression.
Metrics: Go beyond counting likes and followers
Archers don’t aim at the point halfway between the arrow tip and the target. If they did, they would never hit the bullseye.
In the same way, many nonprofits still focus too much on counting Facebook likes and Twitter followers as if these metrics are the end goal, and then feel frustrated when they’re not getting the results they expected.