Strategies for identifying stories that exemplify your organization’s mission Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, brands, educators, video producers, Web publishers, storytellers, individuals. Part 1 of a two-part series focused on using video to tell compelling stories. Also see part 2: • 16 tips for making video interviews come alive By Lindsay […]
Challenges to the environmental network
Earlier this month a group of environmental experts, activists and scientists gathered in Aspen, Colorado, for the 2011 Aspen Environment Forum. Solving – and communicating – the challenges facing the planet was top of the agenda, and I was invited to sit on a panel that focused on the use of social media. There was […]
Empowering homeless people to tell their own stories
Advocating for the homeless from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Mark Horvath on & If you haven’t come face to face with the plight of the homeless, then you need to have Mark Horvath drape his arm around you and introduce you to and Mark, who goes by the handle @hardlynormal […]
8 great examples of nonprofit storytelling
How to convey a powerful message with videos & photos Target audience: Nonprofits, social enterprises, NGOs, foundations, cause organizations, Web publishers, small businesses. As regular readers know, I’ve been a longtime proponent of visual storytelling to advance the missions of nonprofits, cause organizations and businesses. (Heck, I co-founded before there was a YouTube.) People […]
A story-driven Web platform for communities
Shelbyville project kicks off with a series of ‘Welcoming’ videos Chances are you haven’t yet heard of Shelbyville, a small rural community in Tennessee, much less than the upcoming “Welcome to Shelbyville” documentary or the online project that is forging a pilot, or prototype, for communities to tell and share their own stories. So let […]