Stupeflix. Stupeflix & Animoto offer new ways to tell a story Updated to remove RockYou, which has switched its business model to focus on games, and Slide, which closed up shop in March 2012. By Kim Bale Socialbrite staff In a world where we’re bombarded with 3,000 messages a day, it’s hard for nonprofits and […]
Create video stories for your nonprofit in 6 steps
How to be a videoblogger on Vimeo. An expert provides hardware & software tips to make it easy Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, social activists, NGOs, citizen journalists. This is part of our ongoing series designed to help nonprofits learn how to use and create media. Guest post by Sharon Vaknin New Media Labs […]
How nonprofits should be using storytelling
The importance of storytelling to nonprofits from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Expert gives tips on how to bring causes to life When it comes right down to it, nonprofits and public-benefit organizations have a hard time telling their own stories. They assume that the public shares their passion for the cause, and so they move […]
Zanby: Roll your own community
Zanby: Create your community from JD Lasica on Vimeo. I‘ve been fascinated for some time by Zanby, a plaform for online collaboration for businesses and nonprofits that launched last year. I chatted a few months ago with Leif Utne — technologist, journalist, activist, musician, social entrepreneur and son of the founder of the Utne Reader […]
6 tips for shooting effective Web video
Target audience: Cause organizations, nonprofits, educators, NGOs, journalists, general public. This is part of our ongoing series designed to help nonprofits and other organizations learn how to use and create media. Here’s a 4-minute video with Jessica Kizorek of Two Parrot Productions, a video production company that works with nonprofits and the foundations that support […]