If you publish a lot of YouTube videos on specific topics, this screencast will be very useful. With annotated links, you can edit your videos and add text links that will link to: Other videos on YouTube Playlists on YouTube YouTube Channels Searches on YouTube Groups on YouTube Any external link (only available to folks […]
Social media for social good
Why even small, resource-constrained nonprofits should be using social media Guest post by Jordan Viator Nonprofit Live TV What are some of the ways in which social media can be used to advance the social good? Nonprofit Live TV put the question to Matt Mahan, Nonprofit and Business Development Director of Causes and Carie Lewis, […]
eduFire expands its tech curriculum
Learn about social media, PHP & WordPress on the Web Guest post by Katrina Heppler envisionGood.tv We met up with Jon Bischke, founder of eduFire, in San Francisco to learn about the launch of eduFire’s new Tech Channel, an online video learning platform that provides live, interactive video classes in social media, PHP, WordPress and […]
Why Twitter Lists are huge for your nonprofit
Twitter Lists are guaranteed to be the next huge (and I mean huge!) game changer for Twitter. When Twitter lists first came out, I thought: “OK, so users can now make lists of other users based on any criteria.” For example, a list of companies that are hiring, a list of Onion editorial staff or […]
Vote in the Health Reform Video Challenge
Grassroots media, as in the 2004 and 2008 presidential elections, are once again coming to the fore in the health care reform debate. You may have seen the Heather Graham video produced with the financial backing of MoveOn.org supporters. Now comes the Health Reform Video Challenge being organized by my.barackobama. As the site says, watch […]