A free resource for finding video to include in your own works
Target audience: Cause organizations, nonprofits, NGOs, journalists, general public
Where can you find video clips and footage to include in your own works? See our extensive directory below.
(If you’re looking for photos to use in your work, see our Free Photos Directory. For music, see the Free Music Directory.)
Here are some places where you can find video snippets that are always legal and safe to include in your video podcast, videoblog or online video:
Archives and repositories
BitTorrent and P2P file sharing
Catalogs and collections
Collaborating, remixing and sampling
Distribution platforms and licensed content
Documentaries, movies, video clips
Live music
Podcasts and feeds
More information
• The Creative Commons Podcast Tools page provides links to podcasting legal guides, practical advice and other information for podcasters.
UK-based David Holmes, a former sound engineer and indie studio/label manager who blogs at Dave’s Imaginary Sound Space, contributed to this directory.
Notice: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, compatible with Wikipedia.
Please comment on, correct or expand upon this article. We’ll give you credit. JD Lasica, founder and former editor of Socialbrite, is co-founder of Cruiseable. Contact JD or follow him on Twitter or Google Plus.