This is part of the series the 31 Day Challenge To Optimize Your Blog With Social Media. Social media gives voices to individuals marginalized and ignored by traditional media, enabling the world to hear these voices for the first time in history. However, as in the physical world, the online world poses many barriers to […]
How to make your website more accessible
Enhancing website accessibility from JD Lasica on Vimeo. A few weeks back, at SOBCon busniess school for bloggers in Chicago, I met Glenda Watson Hyatt, a remarkable trainer and conference speaker who gave a presentation on how to make websites and blogs more accessible to the disabled. Glenda, who has cerebral palsy, deals with computer […]
7 tips for communicating with people with disabilities
Glenda Watson Hyatt, who blogs at (“Your Accessibility Conscience”), gave an extraordinary presentation here at the SOBCon, Business School for Bloggers, talking about how to make websites and blogs more accessible to the disabled. It took her three months to perfect her presentation. I conducted a video interview with her that I’ll post here […]