The NASSCOM India Leadership Forum has multiple tracks based on theme. I was asked to facilitate a session on the question, “Should CEOs and Executive Directors Use Social Media?” To prepare for this session, I asked colleagues in the US to share their collective wisdom so we could see the US perspective. In addition, during a […]
6 actions to optimize your blog’s subscriptions
Welcome to the 31 Day Challenge To Optimize Your Blog With Social Media. Today guest contributor Grant Griffiths offers tips on how to optimize your blog’s RSS and email subscriptions. Guest post by Grant Griffiths Blog For Profit The people who subscribe to our blogs are, more likely than not, regular readers who visit us […]
Global Voices: Lifting up the powerless & voiceless
Giving international bloggers a global voice from JD Lasica on Vimeo. International bloggers network offers alternative perspectives on events around the world Since 2005, the international bloggers network Global Voices has been one of the shining success stories in citizen media: a community of more than 200 bloggers around the world who offer perspectives frequently […]