Make the most out of your time and blog more often Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, marketers, managers, journalists, general public. One thing I’ve learned from years of blogging is that a blogging process saves time and headaches. My approach uses creative momentum at the beginning to blow through tasks that require […]
9 time-saving tips to write more blog posts
Here’s a blogging process that saves time and headaches. To gain creative momentum, try these nine steps.
12 ways to develop a loyal community for your blog
Blog conference sessions. The surest way to attract a community is to be part of the community when events and conferences are happening. Live-blog sessions you attend, or ask others to do so and post to the blog. Use the session’s Twitter hashtag and tweet that you are live-blogging certain sessions. Those following the conference online will refer to your blog as a source of session content, expanding your organization’s usual reach.
12 tips for writing more blog posts each week
Iwrite six to seven posts each week on four different websites, which might seem amazing. But I used to struggle to write just two posts every week (seven is still a struggle, which is a good thing). Here are a few things I do that have helped me be more efficient (but still authentic) with my blogging: Dragon Dictation […]
How to grow your blog with social media for social good
This is part of the series the 31 Day Challenge To Optimize Your Blog With Social Media. Like many kids, I was involved in the Boy Scouts. The scout leader was Mr. Pertrazzio, who was an electrician. Now, I’m sure he loved being involved with the Boy Scouts. But when you think about it, he […]