Make the most out of your time and blog more often Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, marketers, managers, journalists, general public. One thing I’ve learned from years of blogging is that a blogging process saves time and headaches. My approach uses creative momentum at the beginning to blow through tasks that require […]
Blogging Tips
9 time-saving tips to write more blog posts
Here’s a blogging process that saves time and headaches. To gain creative momentum, try these nine steps.
Tips for making your Web content personal
Create blog posts that speak to an individual, not an audience Regardless of how many people visit your website, there’s one person you need to be paying attention to: The person reading your blog post or Facebook update right now. I know what you’re thinking. “We get thousands of visits per day on our […]
10 tips for writing an impactful blog post
Starting a blog for your nonprofit or organization and don’t know where to start? Write what you know — and what you care deeply about. Over time, you’ll develop your own style. As you do, follow some of the best practices that journalists and writers have long employed.
How to make your website more accessible
Enhancing website accessibility from JD Lasica on Vimeo. A few weeks back, at SOBCon busniess school for bloggers in Chicago, I met Glenda Watson Hyatt, a remarkable trainer and conference speaker who gave a presentation on how to make websites and blogs more accessible to the disabled. Glenda, who has cerebral palsy, deals with computer […]