Introducing Facebook Deals. New Facebook feature makes cause marketing more actionable Last week Facebook launched a new app for Facebook Places called Deals. Deals essentially allows any small business to more easily offer deals when users check in to their place on Facebook. But there’s also an opportunity for nonprofits to take advantage of the […]
Cause marketing
QR codes may give big boost to cause marketing
Guest post by Joe Waters Director, Cause Marketing, Boston Medical Imagine this: You visit your local supermarket and are asked to support a local food pantry. You a buy a pinup for a buck. On your receipt is message that you can learn more about the cause you just supported by scanning this barcode with […]
4 examples of corporate social responsibility done right
Here at Socialbrite, we’re always looking for sterling examples of how the corporate sector is contributing in genuine ways to the social good. Those bridges between the for-profit and nonprofit/social good sectors are becoming increasingly vital. So I was jazzed to see the presentation by Beth Kanter and Kami Huyse of Zoetica yesterday at NewComm […]
Cause marketing with celebrities, social media
Marketing for charitable causes from JD Lasica on Vimeo. The smartest guy I know in the cause marketing space is Chris Noble, CEO of 8-year-old Kompolt. With the help of a grant from eBay, Chris’s team at Kompolt is organizing the nonprofit track Thursday at BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas. Some $6 billion was raised […]
How to get the most out of cause marketing
Scott Henderson (photo by Ms. Jen) I was supposed to lead a workshop at the Cause Marketing Forum on Social Media and Cause Marketing at the end of May. I was looking forward to it because Michael Hoffman at C3 was a sponsor and participating. Unfortunately, I had to cancel and asked Scott Henderson if […]