Have you considered asking the community to support your new enterprise? Target audience: Social enterprises, nonprofits, volunteer groups, sustainable businesses, community organizations. Guest post by Kerry Given Green Marketing TV Finding funding can be one of the biggest challenges for social entrepreneurs. Fortunately, there is a growing number of options for social entrepreneurs and […]
Ideavibes: A new way to do crowdsourcing & crowdfunding campaigns
Engage4change contest asks SF residents for ideas to improve housing & transportation Editor’s note: A start-up called Ideavibes has created a crowd-engagement platform that can be purchased by nonprofits, government agencies or businesses to do their own crowd engagement or crowd funding. It’s one of the more interesting companies we spotted at Web 2.0 […]
Invest in entrepreneurs for social good
Invest in entrepreneurs for social good from JD Lasica on Vimeo. InVenture supports small business owners in developing world Here’s a short interview with Shivani Siroya, the personable and passionate founder and CEO of InVenture (“Invest in good”), an online platform that allows everyday individuals to invest directly in business owners of their choosing in […]