Tips to make Facebook work harder for your website Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, businesses, educators, journalists, general public. How you reach people is not limited to your Facebook Page. You reach people with your e-mails, your YouTube videos, mentions in the local newspaper. And you reach people with your website content. […]
Facebook Page
What’s good virality for my Facebook Page?
Wondering what good virality means? Find out what virality measures and why you should be using your own organization’s analytics to set your personal benchmark.
3 ways to boost Facebook engagement with text updates
Photo updates may be sexier content to post, but text updates can be just as valuable! Find out why you should be using a mix of photo and text to reach a broader audience.
5 ways to dominate Facebook’s new news feed
With changes to Facebook’s News Feed, find out how to stay on top with great images and engaging content.
Create a Facebook page fan gate for your nonprofit
Encourage likes with fan-gating. Find out how yo ucan create fan-gate custom tabs without knowing any HTML.