5 tips to help you take advantage of Facebook’s twin feeds Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, brands, social media managers, Web publishers, individuals. Facebook’s enhanced News Feed and Ticker has changed the engagement game for Facebook Page admins. And those who know the rules of the game will be able to get […]
Facebook Page tips
Tricks to ramp up your nonprofit’s Facebook Page
Planned Parenthood had success engaging supporters through its Facebook Page. How a few simple changes can make your Facebook Page more visible & engaging to fans Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, community managers, marketing professionals, NGOs, businesses, brands. What is your nonprofit doing to engage with your Facebook fans? I put that question to attendees […]
8 ways to engage your Facebook fans in 3 minutes or less
One self-evident requirement for nonprofit marketing on Facebook is regularly posting interesting content on your Facebook Page. Don’t be scared by the word “content” – its definition includes a lot more than blog posts and videos. Status updates count. I recently conducted a few informal experiments with some Facebook Pages and my own Facebook Profile. […]