Planned Parenthood had success engaging supporters through its Facebook Page. How a few simple changes can make your Facebook Page more visible & engaging to fans Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, community managers, marketing professionals, NGOs, businesses, brands. What is your nonprofit doing to engage with your Facebook fans? I put that question to attendees […]
Facebook Page
16 ways to get more comments on your Facebook Page
Getting fans to comment on your Facebook Page can take a lot of time and effort. And it can sometimes be painful seeing other Facebook Pages that make engagement look easy. But even the most active Facebook Page walls began from a standing start. And many of them got to where they are today by […]
How to post to other Facebook Pages – as a Page
The Mother Jones Facebook Page Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, businesses Afew weeks ago I published Essential tips for updating your Facebook Page, which mentioned tagging Pages as a Page. The following tactic was mentioned, but because so many people ask about it, I thought I’d call it out on its own. A warning […]
How to target Facebook wall posts to specific fans
You’ve spent months building up your Facebook Page followers and engaging with them. But did you know about the little-known feature within your Facebook Page that gives you the ability to target wall updates to a specific group of connections? Here are some examples of why you may want to do this: You want to […]
Essential tips for updating your Facebook Page
Over the past few weeks I’ve received a number of questions about the ways administrators can update their Facebook Page. This topic also comes up a lot during the Facebook Foundations webinars I do with Charity How To. So I thought it might be useful to outline the various ways users can update their Facebook […]