December is the hands-down most powerful month to fund-raise and to strengthen relationships for the year to come. So stop cranking it out right now with a strategy to achieve significant results in the last month of the year for your nonprofit.
fundraising tips
8 tools to help you fundraise for a cause
Trying to raise some money? Check out these eight tools to help you fundraise for a cause — whether an individual cause or for an organization or nonprofit.
3 top tips for nonprofits’ online fundraising
A few small changes that get more from online efforts Guest Blog by Ritu Sharma Social Media for Nonprofits Of the $317 billion donated to nonprofits by individuals, currently about 15% is transacted online, but it’s growing at a whopping 35-55% a year. With Facebook now boasting over 1 billion active users and the “value” […]
10 tips for a successful fundraising event
How to wow your supporters at your next event gathering Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, NGOs, event organizers, fundraising professionals, social media managers. This is Part 8 and the final installment of our series on social fundraising. See below for other articles in this series. Guest post by George Wooden Founder & CEO, BW […]