Facebook is the biggest social network and high customer engagement is becoming increasingly essential to a small business’ success. Find out which tactics work best for increasing engagement across your network.
increase Facebook engagement
27 ways to increase engagement on your Facebook page
Network for Good hosted a free webinar the other day where I presented 27 Ways to Increase Engagement on Your Facebook Page.
According to a recent survey by NTEN, 89 percent of nonprofits today use Facebook to expand awareness around their cause and to grow their fan base. One challenge that many nonprofits face is keeping fans interested and engaged after they like their page.
6 creative ways to use photos to increase engagement on your Facebook page
The reason Facebook paid $1 billion for Instagram is the same reason why Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing social media sites in history.
It’s also the reason why Facebook redesigned pages to the new Timeline layout: People love pictures.
People upload more than 300 million photos to Facebook every single day!