Giving international bloggers a global voice from JD Lasica on Vimeo. International bloggers network offers alternative perspectives on events around the world Since 2005, the international bloggers network Global Voices has been one of the shining success stories in citizen media: a community of more than 200 bloggers around the world who offer perspectives frequently […]
An inventive cause campaign to fight malaria
A cause campaign to fight malaria from JD Lasica on Vimeo. raises $16,000, effort continues through Saturday Socialbrite’s own Sloane Berrent has been a bit busy of late. Fresh off a three-month stay in the rural Philippines doing field work as a Kiva fellow, she and her friend Doug Campbell of Mindshare launched Causeitsmybirthday, […]
8 ways to use social media in the newsroom
For the annual conference of the Online News Association this weekend, I’ve pulled together two new printable handouts: 8 ways to use social media in the newsroom, available at, and 6 Twitter tools for journalists (PDF — and see the accompanying post). I’m speaking on the aptly named Social Media Mania panel on Saturday. […]
How to prevent against online libel and defamation
The Bill of Rights A brief guide for citizen journalists and bloggers Target audience: Journalists, bloggers, nonprofits, cause organizations, NGOs, general public. Guest post by Mitch Ratcliffe RatcliffeBlog There is much that bloggers can learn from journalists, who have learned how to cause the most trouble possible without landing in jail over the course of […]
Accuracy tip sheet for citizen journalists
Before you write 1. The best way to maintain accuracy is to develop a system and stick to it. 2. Take the extra seconds to read back to the interviewee the spelling of his or her name. If you need an age, ask for a birth date and year. 3. Avoid using secondary sources to […]