Post by Lylene Corado Donorbox Nonprofits today have a variety of options when it comes to online fundraising. More than 30,000 organizations from 25 countries now use Donorbox’s fundraising software. Donorbox is a powerful and efficient next-generation fundraising system that allows organizations to raise more donations, implement smooth donation management, promote fundraising campaigns in a […]
nonprofit fundraising
5 fundraising tips you can learn from JetBlue
Keeping your donate pages simple and foolproof, like the airline’s kiosks, is the name of the game Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, general public. All nonprofit marketers should fly JetBlue at least once. Just to use the check-in kiosks. If you’re not familiar with them, take a look at the one shown […]
Year-end fundraising checklist for nonprofits
December is the hands-down most powerful month to fund-raise and to strengthen relationships for the year to come. So stop cranking it out right now with a strategy to achieve significant results in the last month of the year for your nonprofit.
How one nonprofit dominated their giving day
Giving days are becoming a popular way for local nonprofits to share resources, expertise and experience to achieve more together than they would individually. And Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity achieved amazing results during Give to the Max Day. Here’s how they did it.
Should your nonprofit focus on donor retention or acquisition?
Many of our metrics seem to weigh heavily on the side of acquiring new donors, new names for the list, new event attendees. But there’s often not enough appreciation, and therefore not enough time devoted to, building relationships with those who are already on our lists.