Beth Kanter and Katie Paine discuss the importance and power of measuring your nonprofit’s networks in their new book, “Measuring the Networked Nonprofit.” John Haydon gives us 12 highlights, and Beth provides us a book to giveaway to one reader.
nonprofit metrics
To create a metrics program, first identify your goals
Deciding how to measure your social media efforts can be a challenging undertaking. Number of likes? Number of followers? Level of engagement? Which measures are right for you?
First steps in measuring impact for your nonprofit
The first step in starting to measure your impact is to identify the major outcomes that you want to examine. To be successful you’ll need full management support and a dedicated key project lead for your team. This person will take the helm on laying out tasks in a sequence, informing other staff of their roles and assignments, and providing assistance to people as they complete their parts of the evaluation.
Best Web analytics tools for nonprofits
Web analytics tools help you track your site’s statistics, which let you see how many people are looking at each page, what sites they came from, and other information to help develop a picture of who your audience is. But which Web analytics tool should you use? Data-tracking needs are similar for all organizations, including nonprofits, libraries, small businesses, and corporations.
New report: Nonprofit numbers for social media, advocacy, fundraising
Email outreach still dwarfs social media and mobile. Benchmarks study: How does your nonprofit stack up? At the Nonprofit Technology Conference in Washington D.C. the other day, I was one of 50 attendees who got a sneak preview of the fascinating 2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study, the big annual study that shows how nonprofits are using […]