Highlights of 2013 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study (infographic) This is the second of two articles on NTC 2013. Also see: • Highlights of 2013 Nonprofit Technology Conference Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, educators, journalists, general public. Every year, Socialbrite takes a look at the annual study of online nonprofit trends put out […]
nonprofit tech
Highlights of 2013 Nonprofit Technology Conference
At the NTC session on social data (Photo by JD Lasica). And tips on how to reinforce habits for social good This is the first of two articles on NTC 2013. Also see: • Nonprofits, online giving & secrets from the Obama campaign (the 2013 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study) Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, […]
Highlights from the Nonprofit Technology Conference
Last week’s Nonprofit Technology Conference in San Francisco was easily the most fast-paced and frenetic of the three NTCs I’ve participated in, and not just because, at 1,800 attendees, it was the biggest NTC to date. Several reasons for the frenzy: Four Socialbrite team members led sessions or participated on panels; I wound up also attending the Where conference on geolocation technologies, two blocks away; I commuted home each day (a three-hour round trip by train) even after attending the evening social gatherings; and I reached out to a number of attendees to sit down and share their nonprofits’ experiences and challenges with social media.
How open standards can benefit nonprofit tech
Guest post by Peter Deitz SocialActions I don’t know about you, but I am a big fan of open standards, particularly when my bladder Direct Messages me with the hashtag #urgent. Open standards (see picture below) guide me to a place where I can @reply in a hurry. In the nonprofit technology community, open standards […]