During the holiday break, Socialbrite is updating and republishing some of our most popular posts. We noticed that Jolkona is prominently featured in Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen’s new book, “Giving 2.0.” Our regular publication schedule resumes Monday. Imet Adnan Mahmud, co-founder and CEO of Jolkona, during Beth Kanter’s book signing party for “The Networked Nonprofit” at TechSoup […]
Techniques to add dazzle to your advocacy video
Matanya’s Hope tells stories of Kenyan schoolchildren through photos & video Multimedia storytelling can be an incredibly powerful tool for your organization to attract funders, motivate volunteers and demonstrate the power of your message. Our friends at Matanya’s Hope asked us to create a visual story for their nonprofit by seamlessly blending photos and video […]
Rally: Raise money for your favorite cause
Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, fundraising professionals, social media managers, cause supporters. This is Part 6 of our series on social fundraising. See below for other articles in this series. If you’re a nonprofit looking to raise funds online or an individual looking to support a favorite cause, there’s a new kid on the […]
How DoSomething engages young people
Make it easy to participate, make it mobile — and don’t forget the fun! One of the great success stories of online advocacy has been DoSomething.org, a not-for-profit that encourages young people to use the power of online to “do good stuff offline.” Last fall I moderated a panel at BlogWorld Expo with DoSomething […]
Photos from Nonprofit Technology Conference
NPR’s Moira Gunn and Rep. Donna Edwards, D-Md., at the end of their chat at 2011 NTC. And a wealth of connections made — and introductions sought Here’s my Flickr photo set from the Nonprofit Technology Conference held Thursday to Saturday in Washington, D.C. at the Washington Hilton — 89 photos in all. I […]