And what it means for your nonprofit Target audience:Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, brands, social media managers, individuals With all of the amazing features that Facebook Pages have, the one thing that they’ve always lacked is the ability to create that personal connection that Facebook users like. This all changed last week when […]
nonprofits on Facebook
Nonprofits: Are your Facebook fans engaged?
Participation is the key for getting value out of your Facebook Pages Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, brands, businesses, Web publishers, individuals. I‘ve been digging deep into research about Facebook fan activity lately, in preparation for a few upcoming presentations about social media return on engagement and Facebook engagement. I was […]
New report: Nonprofit numbers for social media, advocacy, fundraising
Email outreach still dwarfs social media and mobile. Benchmarks study: How does your nonprofit stack up? At the Nonprofit Technology Conference in Washington D.C. the other day, I was one of 50 attendees who got a sneak preview of the fascinating 2011 eNonprofit Benchmarks Study, the big annual study that shows how nonprofits are using […]
Why you want to create a Facebook Page, not a Profile, for your nonprofit
I’ve been chatting with Will Coley lately about nonprofits that violate Facebook’s Terms of Service, sometimes knowingly, by using a Profile to market their cause rather than a Page. Using a Facebook Profile to market your nonprofit on Facebook is not smart, for at least three reasons: You have no way of knowing what people […]