The importance of storytelling to nonprofits from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Expert gives tips on how to bring causes to life When it comes right down to it, nonprofits and public-benefit organizations have a hard time telling their own stories. They assume that the public shares their passion for the cause, and so they move […]
Mashable & our favorite posts of the year
Welcome to all the visitors from Mashable! We were thrilled to be featured in Melissa Rowley‘s article, 4 Social Good Trends of 2009. For first-timers, we thought now would be a good time to highlight some of our favorite posts on Socialbrite since our launch earlier this year: Some of our favorite causes • Tweet […]
Why Twitter Lists are huge for your nonprofit
Twitter Lists are guaranteed to be the next huge (and I mean huge!) game changer for Twitter. When Twitter lists first came out, I thought: “OK, so users can now make lists of other users based on any criteria.” For example, a list of companies that are hiring, a list of Onion editorial staff or […]
Blogworld Expo’s Cause/Activism track
I‘m flying to Las Vegas early Thursday to moderate a panel on social media tools for nonprofits at Blogworld Expo. I know a lot of the keynoters: Laura Fitton, Chris Brogan, Jeremiah Owyang, Brian Solis, Kara Swisher, Scott Monty, Jay Rosen, Leo Laporte, Guy Kawasaki — the list goes on. This is the first year […]
An inventive cause campaign to fight malaria
A cause campaign to fight malaria from JD Lasica on Vimeo. raises $16,000, effort continues through Saturday Socialbrite’s own Sloane Berrent has been a bit busy of late. Fresh off a three-month stay in the rural Philippines doing field work as a Kiva fellow, she and her friend Doug Campbell of Mindshare launched Causeitsmybirthday, […]