Drupal: open-source publishing from JD Lasica on Vimeo. I finally had the chance to sit down with Dries Buytaert, founder and creator of Drupal, the open source content management system that is now powering tens of thousands of websites, including The Onion, Firefox sites, Sony Music artists (see myplay.com) and many others. Also spent time […]
open source
Mobile + open source = medical diagnoses on the fly
Today sees the launch of an exciting new initiative – FrontlineSMS:Medic – by a growing team of students mobilising around the practical application of mobile technology in global healthcare delivery. FrontlineSMS:Medic combines Josh Nesbit’s pioneering work on “Mobiles in Malawi” with a mobile version of OpenMRS — an open source medical records system — and […]
Kaltura: open source video
Kaltura: open-source video from JD Lasica on Vimeo. I‘ve been following Kaltura for about a year now. It offers a terrific open-source platform, toolset and nearly free video hosting solution for small and large companies and nonprofits. (I think I have that right — it’s hard to explain what they do in a single sentence.) […]
Miro, the democratic media player
Miro, the democratic media player from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Here’s an 11-minute video interview I conducted with Nicholas Reville, co-founder and executive director of the Participatory Culture Foundation, maker of Miro at getmiro.com. Miro’s a cool application that lets you watch and subscribe to millions of channels of content created by us (any video […]