Why Wikipedia supports open video from JD Lasica on Vimeo. From time to time, Socialbrite explores the use of open source tools by change-makers and social benefit organizations — see below for our past coverage of open video and how open standards can benefit nonprofit tech. The second annual Open Video conference returns to New […]
open standards
Toward a Web of open video
Toward open video on the Web from JD Lasica on Vimeo. A few weeks ago, before and after the Open Video conference at NYU, I sketched out the proposition that open video is a requirement for an open Web in two posts: The promise of open source video and Boxee and the promise of open […]
How open standards can benefit nonprofit tech
Guest post by Peter Deitz SocialActions I don’t know about you, but I am a big fan of open standards, particularly when my bladder Direct Messages me with the hashtag #urgent. Open standards (see picture below) guide me to a place where I can @reply in a hurry. In the nonprofit technology community, open standards […]