During the holiday break, Socialbrite is updating and republishing some of our most popular posts. We noticed that Jolkona is prominently featured in Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen’s new book, “Giving 2.0.” Our regular publication schedule resumes Monday. Imet Adnan Mahmud, co-founder and CEO of Jolkona, during Beth Kanter’s book signing party for “The Networked Nonprofit” at TechSoup […]
Techniques to add dazzle to your advocacy video
Matanya’s Hope tells stories of Kenyan schoolchildren through photos & video Multimedia storytelling can be an incredibly powerful tool for your organization to attract funders, motivate volunteers and demonstrate the power of your message. Our friends at Matanya’s Hope asked us to create a visual story for their nonprofit by seamlessly blending photos and video […]
Oxfam America invites public into fight against poverty
Interactive photobook offers way to support contributions by women Guest post by Stacy Coleman Vivanista Oxfam America ran a photo contest for the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day in March. They created an interactive photo wall that enables supporters to upload photos and messages in support of women’s contributions. We caught up with […]
Support my birthday campaign on Jolkona!
Help enterprising Colombia youths running an Internet cafe Today is my birthday, and in the tradition of other social media strategists working in the nonprofit space like Beth Kanter (I wrote about her last birthday campaign in January) and Geoff Livingston, I’d like to ask your help in making the day special for some enterprising […]
‘Philanthrocapitalism’: Givers are more likely to change the world
Ihad the opportunity to meet Matthew Bishop, business editor for The Economist and author of Philanthrocapitalism, at a dinner about the “Future of Philanthropy.” It was fascinating to hear Matt talk about the role of the wealthy and the future of giving. “People who give are much more likely to come up with the answer […]