Global Hug Tour from JD Lasica on Vimeo. I love stories like this. In Chicago last weekend I met Gail Lynne Goodwin of Inspire Me Today, who told the Business School for Bloggers gathering about her new project: the Global Hug Tour. Gail and her husband Darryl — an ordinary couple from Boulder, Colo. — […]
Tim Ferriss’ method of supporting causes
Tim Ferriss, author of the best-seller The Four-Hour Work Week, appeared today via uStream at the Inbound Marketing Summit during the session “How to Create a Worldwide Social Media Phenomenon.” He took questions from the audience, and I asked how he decides which causes to support. It wasn’t an idle question. Ferriss has become a […]
Buy on eBay to help your favorite cause
eBay Giving Works from JD Lasica on Vimeo. At the first Awareness2Action gathering in San Francisco in August 2008 I heard about eBay’s Giving Works program, which has raised $150 million for charitable causes on eBay over its first five years. These folks rock! I swung down to eBay headquarters in San Jose a few […]
A new service for cause organizations
My longtime friend Tom Watson, author of CauseWired, launched a new venture on Thursday: CauseWired Communications LLC. I’ve long thought that there’s a market opportunity for consultancies and social enterprises to serve the needs of nonprofits and cause organizations that don’t have the financial or staffing resources to take advantage of the social Web. Tom […]
Social Actions: Toward a philanthropic Web
I spent this afternoon at a fascinating gathering in San Francisco: Lunch for Social Action Platforms. Hosted by Peter Deitz of Montreal (see my recent interview with him here) and hosted by TechSoup, 33 people got together on two days’ notice to discuss how to work together to make it easy for people to find […]