Spent Wednesday night at SocialVoter, a special event featuring California Secretary of State Debra Bowen and presented by CitizenSpace and the Social Media Club. You can follow the tweets on Twitter — for the next two weeks, anyway, when they disappear. So I thought a blog recap would be in order. Here, too, is a […]
Clay Shirky: How social media can make history
Here’s my friend, NYU prof Clay Shirky, giving a 15-minute TED talk on how social media is changing our media and cultural landscape. Specifically, Clay focuses on how the amateurization of media through Twitter, Facebook and text messaging helps citizens in repressive regimes to report on what’s happening, bypassing censors unless the government shuts off […]
Maplight shines a light on politics & money
Maplight: shining a light on politics and money from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Sean Tanner, research director of MAPLight.org, talks about how the organization provides transparency to the political donations system through widgets that tap into pubic information databases. We spoke at the NetSquared conference in San Jose, Calif., in May 2008, where MAPLight won […]