Here’s a roundup of conferences in the nonprofit and social change sectors coming up in 2013.
3 analytics tools to gauge your social audience
Turn data into knowledge through powerful, insightful measurement and analytics tools. Here are three simple tips and resources that nonprofits can put to work to continue listening, monitoring and implementing.
3 top tips for nonprofits’ online fundraising
A few small changes that get more from online efforts Guest Blog by Ritu Sharma Social Media for Nonprofits Of the $317 billion donated to nonprofits by individuals, currently about 15% is transacted online, but it’s growing at a whopping 35-55% a year. With Facebook now boasting over 1 billion active users and the “value” […]
3 simple, practical social media tips for nonprofits
Tried & true techniques — plus a conference discount code Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises. Guest post by Ritu Sharma Social Media for Nonprofits As Social Media for Nonprofits, the country’s only conference series devoted to social media for social good, plans its Oct. 5 return to the nation’s capital, we thought […]
Social media for nonprofits conference series expands
Facebook now boasts over 901 million active members, making it equivalent to the world’s third largest country. But how exactly can nonprofits use it and other platforms to raise money, grow their base of supporters, change policy, and recruit volunteers and board members?