Social Media for Social Good It only works when it’s connected to the real world At the National Conference on Volunteering and Service — which some folks call “the Super Bowl of nonprofit conferences” — George Weiner and I teamed up on one of the most successful Social Media for Social Good Bootcamps that […]
social change
How to activate your organization’s supporters
At the conclusion of Socialbrite’s 3-hour Move the Needle bootcamp at Sustainatopia in Miami to help organizations — social enterprises and nonprofits — use social media for social good, I chatted with my partner Sloane Berrent about some of the tips we discussed with participants, including how to find the influencers in your sector and […]
A story-driven Web platform for communities
Shelbyville project kicks off with a series of ‘Welcoming’ videos Chances are you haven’t yet heard of Shelbyville, a small rural community in Tennessee, much less than the upcoming “Welcome to Shelbyville” documentary or the online project that is forging a pilot, or prototype, for communities to tell and share their own stories. So let […]
9 Web platforms to help you change the world
MicroPlace: Invest wisely to help alleviate poverty. SocialVest, MicroPlace, Vittana can help you make a difference Target audience: Social change organizations, nonprofits, NGOs, students, educators, individuals. Guest post by Shira Lazar While there might be more noise in the social good space, there are also more tools to make giving easier and more accessible […]
A change agent’s top 5 tools for social change
Target audience: Nonprofits, social change organizations, NGOs, foundations, educators, individuals. Guest post by Allyson Kapin Partner, Rad Campaign The tools for taking action and effecting social change are getting more robust all the time. Here are five of my current favorites: Frogloop 1I think Care2’s Frogloop is one of the most trusted sources among nonprofit […]