With hopes of creating a more informed donor, the Social Impact Exchange is launching the Social Impact 100 (S&I 100). The first of its kind, this index showcases U.S. nonprofits working in the issue areas of education, youth, poverty and health, that have evidence of results.
Social impact
A change agent’s top 5 tools for social change
Target audience: Nonprofits, social change organizations, NGOs, foundations, educators, individuals. Guest post by Allyson Kapin Partner, Rad Campaign The tools for taking action and effecting social change are getting more robust all the time. Here are five of my current favorites: Frogloop 1I think Care2’s Frogloop is one of the most trusted sources among nonprofit […]
How individuals make a real difference
Our colleague Beth Kanter, author of Beth’s Blog, turns 53 years young today. The past year has been a momentous one for Beth, who pulled up roots and moved with her family from Boston to the Bay Area, rented a house, co-authored a book, became a visiting scholar at the Packard Foundation — I don’t […]
Mashable & our favorite posts of the year
Welcome to all the visitors from Mashable! We were thrilled to be featured in Melissa Rowley‘s article, 4 Social Good Trends of 2009. For first-timers, we thought now would be a good time to highlight some of our favorite posts on Socialbrite since our launch earlier this year: Some of our favorite causes • Tweet […]
Social media for social good
Why even small, resource-constrained nonprofits should be using social media Guest post by Jordan Viator Nonprofit Live TV What are some of the ways in which social media can be used to advance the social good? Nonprofit Live TV put the question to Matt Mahan, Nonprofit and Business Development Director of Causes and Carie Lewis, […]