Turn data into knowledge through powerful, insightful measurement and analytics tools. Here are three simple tips and resources that nonprofits can put to work to continue listening, monitoring and implementing.
social media measurement
7 top tools to measure performance & influence on Twitter
Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, businesses, brands, bloggers, social media managers, individuals.
This is the part of our ongoing series on how organizations can get the most out of Twitter.
7 tips & a grid for social media measurement
Click image to enlarge. Guest post by Beth Kanter bethkanter.org Last week public relations and measurement professionals met in Lisbon, Portugal, for a summit hosted by the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communications. Of interest was an workshop that was designed to begin setting the standards in social media measurement co-facilitated by KD Paine, […]
Social media ROI: The metrics and strategies
WWT 2010: Social Media ROI View more presentations from womenwhotech. Guest post by Ryann Miller frogloop Last week I attended the Women Who Tech TeleSummit. One of the most anticipated sessions was the session with blogger Beth Kanter and Lauren Varga of Radian6 and moderated by Roz Lemieux of Fission Strategy. I’ve long admired and […]