A cause campaign to fight malaria from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Causeitsmybirthday.com raises $16,000, effort continues through Saturday Socialbrite’s own Sloane Berrent has been a bit busy of late. Fresh off a three-month stay in the rural Philippines doing field work as a Kiva fellow, she and her friend Doug Campbell of Mindshare launched Causeitsmybirthday, […]
Social media
How social media can give a face to the homeless
Guest post by Kari Dunn Saratovsky Case Foundation Armed with just $45, a laptop, and a small handheld camera, Mark Horvath set out on a journey that will forever change the face of homelessness in America. I had the opportunity to catch up with Mark as he made his way back to California following a cross […]
Why you need to share your story
The sprouted seeds that create most non-profits are often powerful and personal stories. Stories that can revive a bored board meeting or fuel a fundraising event. They can be told with pictures, videos, or blog posts. But sometimes they need to be told face to face. Last weekend I had the privilege of attending a […]
8 ways to use social media in the newsroom
For the annual conference of the Online News Association this weekend, I’ve pulled together two new printable handouts: 8 ways to use social media in the newsroom, available at http://bit.ly/social-flyer, and 6 Twitter tools for journalists (PDF — and see the accompanying post). I’m speaking on the aptly named Social Media Mania panel on Saturday. […]
5 steps to a successful social media strategy
Social media, as many have said time and again, is only part of your campaigning, part of your fundraising, and part of your communications. It isn’t something that lives in its own department, nor does it have staff that are separate from the rest of the organization. Just as the content distributed and conversations participated […]