Integrate social components into your site’s design and function By Debra Askanase, Socialbrite and Seth Giammanco, Minds On Design Lab If you’re considering revamping your website to include social elements like the Facebook Like button, streaming from YouTube, or adding information from a social site through its API, it can be overwhelming to know […]
Social media
6 ways to integrate your nonprofit email list with social media
Growing an email list and a Facebook fan base for your nonprofit can sometimes feel overwhelming. Sometimes you wish you had only one channel to grow and manage. To help make things easier, following are six ways you can integrate your nonprofit email list with social media. Include follow and fan links in your email […]
Challenges to the environmental network
Earlier this month a group of environmental experts, activists and scientists gathered in Aspen, Colorado, for the 2011 Aspen Environment Forum. Solving – and communicating – the challenges facing the planet was top of the agenda, and I was invited to sit on a panel that focused on the use of social media. There was […]
A reality check on social media
Social Media for Social Good It only works when it’s connected to the real world At the National Conference on Volunteering and Service — which some folks call “the Super Bowl of nonprofit conferences” — George Weiner and I teamed up on one of the most successful Social Media for Social Good Bootcamps that […]
A new way to show off your nonprofit’s fundraising projects
This week, Causes released a fundraising tab for Facebook Pages, which is great news for nonprofits that have been investing in Facebook but struggling to find the right fundraising solution for that audience.