Instagram web profiles are now live! Find out how Instagram has added the ability to view, comment on, or like photos directly from the web.
social mobile
Voice-based technology aids social change
Projects that use mobile to deliver impactful information By Prabhas Pokharel The precursors to mobile phones were walkie-talkies, and the first generation of mobile phone networks only supported voice communications. With second generation networks and a happy accident came SMS, and only with the third generation networks came mobile data services in the form […]
Social mobile: A moral duty to do more?
Is the future of social mobile an empowered few, or an empowered many? Mobile tools in the hands of the masses presents great opportunity for NGO-led social change, but is that the future we’re creating? In “The White Man’s Burden – Why the West’s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and […]