Social Media for Social Good It only works when it’s connected to the real world At the National Conference on Volunteering and Service — which some folks call “the Super Bowl of nonprofit conferences” — George Weiner and I teamed up on one of the most successful Social Media for Social Good Bootcamps that […]
social networks
Ning, Davos and Haiti recovery projects
Gina Bianchini is the co-founder and CEO of, a platform that hosts more than a million social networks and connects people based on their passions and interests. She took a few minutes to tell me about her experience at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, what she has learned that surprised her and how […]
An inventive cause campaign to fight malaria
A cause campaign to fight malaria from JD Lasica on Vimeo. raises $16,000, effort continues through Saturday Socialbrite’s own Sloane Berrent has been a bit busy of late. Fresh off a three-month stay in the rural Philippines doing field work as a Kiva fellow, she and her friend Doug Campbell of Mindshare launched Causeitsmybirthday, […]
Free ebook: How to use Facebook for business (and nonprofits)
An increasing number of nonprofits are expanding their social media efforts with Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups. And for good reason: Facebook is one of the largest social media sites on the web: More than 200 million active users More than 100 million users log on to Facebook at least once each day More than […]