Learn about social media, PHP & WordPress on the Web Guest post by Katrina Heppler envisionGood.tv We met up with Jon Bischke, founder of eduFire, in San Francisco to learn about the launch of eduFire’s new Tech Channel, an online video learning platform that provides live, interactive video classes in social media, PHP, WordPress and […]
GoingGreen: Innovations in green tech
Photo by Salem Kimble By Salem Kimble East Bay Green Tours Earlier this month, amid the picturesque backdrop of the Cavallo Lodge in Sausalito, Calif., a flurry of venture capitalists and industry innovators came together at the GoingGreen Conference from AlwaysOn. There were all manner of industries represented, from cement that absorbs carbon (Novacem) to […]
Toward a Web of open video
Toward open video on the Web from JD Lasica on Vimeo. A few weeks ago, before and after the Open Video conference at NYU, I sketched out the proposition that open video is a requirement for an open Web in two posts: The promise of open source video and Boxee and the promise of open […]
Helping nonprofits grapple with technology
Nonprofits + technology = NTEN from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Holly Ross, executive director of the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN), talks about the organization’s mission in helping nonprofits learning how to effectively use technology and social media. She talks about three new reports that should be of interest to nonprofits — including the just-released 2009 […]
Tools galore at Women Who Tech Telesummit
WomenWhoTech: Tools Galore View more presentations from Amy Sample Ward. The summit Women Who Tech brings together talented and renowned women breaking new ground in technology who use their tech savvy skills to transform the world and inspire change. We provide a supportive network for the vibrant and thriving community of women in technology professions […]