At the Arkansas Children’s Hospital, one of thousands of causes on Campaigns, timely updates, passionate supporters add up to move the needle By Kim Bale Socialbrite staff Lots of nonprofits and social change organizations have used Causes (formerly Facebook Causes) to raise funds and amplify their efforts, but the vast majority of them haven’t […]
The Cove
TakePart: Spurring people to take action
TakePart: Spurring people to take action from JD Lasica on Vimeo. The single most difficult issue that those of us in the social change movement confront is: figuring out how to get people to take action. So I’ve been paying close attention over the months to the successful efforts of TakePart, an initiative of Participant […]
‘The Cove’: Will movies usher in a new era of social change?
Moving movie audiences to take action from JD Lasica on Vimeo. I‘ll confess: I was excited to see The Cove take home the Academy Award for best feature documentary last night. While all the entrants were worthy, “The Cove” is among the handful of movies pushing the idea of Hollywood productions as the fulcrum for […]