Every day there are new online tools being touted as the newest, greatest thing sure to make your social media life easy. To help, I’ve summarized a few that make my social media life easier – and hopefully yours, too!
Twitter lists
Twitter tip: Choose whom you follow strategically
How to overcome the concern that social media is a time suck For the past few years whenever I doing a training or talk about nonprofits and social media and more recently when we’ve presented about the book, The Networked Nonprofit, someone always raises this concern: “Social media is a time suck.” Networked nonprofits are […]
Why Twitter Lists are huge for your nonprofit
Twitter Lists are guaranteed to be the next huge (and I mean huge!) game changer for Twitter. When Twitter lists first came out, I thought: “OK, so users can now make lists of other users based on any criteria.” For example, a list of companies that are hiring, a list of Onion editorial staff or […]
8 Twitter Lists nonprofits should create
Today Lauren Cochrane has a great post with ideas for lists that organizations could create with Twitter’s new List function. Lists just rolled out to all of Twitter today! You can read more about Lists on the Twitter Blog here. Lauren outlines 7 Lists that organizations may find useful, including: Your organization’s chapters and campaigns. Related […]