Try to include an image in your tweets. Twitter is like looking out the window of a fast moving train. If you insert insert a “billboard” (photo or graphic image) tweet, people will notice it.- Noland Hoshino Always, always check your links!– Jenn Johnson For every self serving post you tweet…engage with one of your […]
Twitter tips
7 top tools to measure performance & influence on Twitter
Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, businesses, brands, bloggers, social media managers, individuals.
This is the part of our ongoing series on how organizations can get the most out of Twitter.
6 Twitter tips for journalists
I‘ve produced two new printable handouts for the annual conference of the Online News Association this weekend: 6 Twitter tools for journalists (PDF, also at and 8 ways to use social media in the newsroom (PDF) — see the accompanying post. While the PDFs are spiffy-looking, they’re less than optimal for search engines and […]