With hopes of creating a more informed donor, the Social Impact Exchange is launching the Social Impact 100 (S&I 100). The first of its kind, this index showcases U.S. nonprofits working in the issue areas of education, youth, poverty and health, that have evidence of results.
Last call for your nonprofit to join #GivingTuesday
Today charities, families, businesses and folks like you will come together to help create #GivingTuesday. Find out how your nonprofit can get involved and raise awareness — and funds! — for your cause.
Tips & tools for effective online fundraising
Social media can be a great asset for building relationships and driving people to donate, but the tried-and-true web donation form still is the foundation for donor activity. Learn how to get the most out of social, while keeping your fundamental elements alive.
How to get your tweets to have staying power
How Twylah can help you get more juice out of your tweets Twylah is a way to organize your tweets on a single webpage that’s SEO-friendly and search engine optimized, essentially giving your tweets greater exposure and a significantly longer life. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported.
12 ways to use Pinterest for your nonprofit
Try out the funnest visual social network on the Web Target audience: Nonprofits, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, cause organizations, brands, businesses, Web publishers, educators, general public. Guest post by Noland Hoshino [B]cause Media There is a new darling in the social media world and her name is Pinterest. It’s a virtual, interactive bulletin board where individuals, […]